2021 G.E.R.R.I. Symposium
The Geraldine Rosa Henderson Excellence in Research on Race and Inclusion (G.E.R.R.I.)
Virtual Symposium
Wednesday June 23, 2021
On June 23, 2021, the Race in the Marketplace (RIM) Network will convene scholars, students, and practitioners from multiple disciplines and countries virtually for the inaugural Geraldine Rosa Henderson Excellence in Research on Race and Inclusion (G.E.R.R.I.) Symposium. Centered on extending the work of the late Dr. Henderson, the symposium will feature and highlight scholars whose research focuses on race, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the marketplace. This three-hour conference will provide a global platform for thought leaders across disciplines to discuss topics ranging from racial justice to the importance of ethical representation of people of color.
This conference celebrates the legacy of Dr. Henderson by addressing the issue she sought to address in her own work. Specifically, Dr. Henderson stated, “what little research on race in marketplace that exists is devalued, under cited, hard to find, and trivialized. Moreover, doctoral students and junior faculty members are discouraged from pursuing such topics.”
The conference will feature the two award winners who will present their work and its parallels to Dr. Henderson’s work, and two discussants to further discussions around their work:
Winners of the 2021 G.E.R.R.I. Junior Scholar Award:
Dr. Noémi Michel, Teaching & Research Fellow, University of Geneva
Dr. John N. Robinson III, Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis
Discussants leading research discussions:
Dr. Amber Chenevert, Group Director of Strategy & Insights, VMLY&R
Dr. Vanessa Perry, Professor of Marketing & Associate Dean for Faculty, George Washington University
Race in the Marketplace (RIM) is an international transdisciplinary research network dedicated to knowledge production on the historic, contemporary, and future interactions of race in the marketplace through scholarship and practice.
To register for the conference, click here.
To join the conversation on social media, follow @RIM_Network on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook and use the hashtags #GERRI2021, #GERRISymposium2021, #RaceInTheMarketplace, #RIMNetwork.
Be sure to share this exciting event with your networks.
For questions, please email contact@rimnetwork.net or any of the committee members below.
Sonya A. Grier, American University (Co-Chair)
Kevin D. Thomas, Marquette University (Co-Chair)
Tonya Williams Bradford, University of California Irvine
Benét DeBerry-Spence, University of Illinois at Chicago
Akon Ekpo, Loyola University Chicago
Guillaume D. Johnson, CNRS & Université Paris-Dauphine
Nakeisha S. Lewis, University of St. Thomas
Sonja Martin Poole, University of San Francisco
The Call for Applications is available here