RIM-Related Knowledge
in Marketing & Advertising (& More)
- 2000 to 2020 -

  •  Below are books and academic articles related to race and marketplace topics. The articles are predominantly from Marketing and Advertising journals, but we have also listed work from other disciplines, including by RIM members.  Although the items mainly date from 2000 to 2020, there are also a few older but very influential articles. 

  • We make no claims of comprehensiveness and welcome any additions you may have (just email us at contact@rimnetwork.net).


  1. Aaker, J., Brumbaugh, A. & Grier, S.A. (2000). “Non-Target Market Effects and Viewer Distinctiveness: The Impact of Target Marketing on Attitudes.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9(3), 127-140.

  2. Appiah, O. (2001). "Ethnic Identification on Adolescents’ Evaluation of Advertisements." Journal of Advertising Research. 41(5), 7-22.

  3. Appiah, O. (2007). "The Effectiveness of “Typical-User” Testimonial Ads on Black & White Browsers’ Evaluations of Products on Commercial Web Sites: Do They Really Work?" Journal of Advertising Research, 47(1), 14-27.

  4. Appiah, O., & Liu, Y. (2009). "Effectively Reaching the Model Minority: Ethnic Differences in Responding to Culturally Embedded Targeted- and Non-Targeted Advertisements." Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 31(1), 27-41.

  5. Bailey, A. A. (2006). "A Year in the Life of the African-American Male in Advertising: A Content Analysis." Journal of Advertising, 35(1), 83-104.

  6. Baker, S. M., Motley, C.M., & Henderson G.R. (2004). "From Despicable to Collectible: The Evolution of Collective Memories for and the Value of Black Advertising Memorabilia" Journal of Advertising, 33 (3), 37-50.

  7. Bonsu, S. K. (2009). “Colonial Images in Global Times: Consumer Interpretations of Africa and Africans in Advertising.” Consumption, Markets and Culture, 12 (1): 1–25.

  8. Bristor, J. M., Lee, R. G., & Hunt, M. R. (1995). “Race and Ideology: African-American Images in Television Advertising.” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 14(1), 48-59.

  9. Briley, D.A., Shrum, L.J., & Wyer Jr, R.S. (2007). “Subjective Impressions of Minority Group Representation in the Media: A Comparison of Majority and Minority Viewers’ Judgments and Underlying Processes. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 17(1), 36-48.

  10. Brumbaugh, A. M. (2002). “Source and Non-source Cues in Advertising and their Effects on the Activation of Cultural and Sub-cultural Knowledge on the Route to Persuasion.” Journal of Consumer Research, 29(2), 258-269.

  11. Burton, D., & Klemm, M. (2011). "Whiteness, Ethnic Minorities and Advertising in Travel Brochures." The Service Industries Journal, 31 (5), 679-693.

  12. Chambers, J. (2009). Madison Avenue and the Color Line: African Americans in the Advertising Industry. University of Pennsylvania Press.

  13. Crockett, D. (2008). "Marketing Blackness: How Advertisers Use Race to Sell Products." Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(2), 245-68.

  14. Davis, J.F. (2016). Pioneering African-American Women in the Advertising Business: Biographies of MAD Black WOMEN. Taylor & Francis.

  15. Davis, J.F. (2020). “Representation Matters: An Illustrated History of Race & Ethnicity in Advertising.” Advertising & Society Quarterly, September, 1-35.

  16. Dhillon-Jamerson, K. K. (2019). "Marketing Marriage and Colorism in India." In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 121-136.

  17. Elias, T., & Appiah, O., Gong. L. (2011). "Effects of Blacks’ Strength of Ethnic Identity and Product Presenter Race on Black Consumer Attitudes: A Multiple-Group Model Approach." Journal of Interactive Advertising, 11(2), 13-29.

  18. Elias, T., & Appiah, O. (2010). "A Tale of Two Social Contexts: Race-specific Testimonials on Commercial Web Sites and their Effects on Numeric Majority and Numeric Minority Consumer Attitudes." Journal of Advertising Research, 50(3), 250-264.

  19. Grier, S.A., & Brumbaugh, A. (1999). “Noticing Cultural Differences: Advertising Meanings Created by the Target and Non-Target Markets.” Journal of Advertising, 28(1), 79-93.

  20. Grier, S.A., & Deshpande, R. (2001). “Social Dimensions of Consumer Distinctiveness: The Influence of Social Status on Group Identity and Advertising Persuasion.” Journal of Marketing Research, 38(2), 216-224.

  21. Grier, S.A., & Brumbaugh, A. (2007). “Compared to Whom? The Impact of Status On Third Person Effects in Advertising Persuasion in A South African Context.” Journal of Consumer Behavior, 6(1), 5-18.

  22. Harrison III, R. L., Thomas, K.D, & Cross, S.N.N. (2017). "Restricted Visions of Multiracial Identity in Advertising." Journal of Advertising, 46 (4), 503-20.

  23. Henderson, G.R & Williams, J.D. (2004). "Michael Jordan who? The Impact of Other-Race Contact in Celebrity Endorser Recognition." In Diversity in Advertising: Broadening the Scope of Research Directions, 279-97.

  24. Hoplamazian, G.J., & Appiah, O. (2013). "Viewer Responses to Character Race and Social Status in Advertising: Blacks see Color, Whites see Class." Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 34(1), 57-76.

  25. Jain, P, & Ramasubramanian, S. (2009). "Gender Stereotypes and Normative Heterosexuality in Matrimonial ads from Globalizing India.” Asian Journal of Communication, 19(3), 253-269.

  26. James, J.P., Lee, K.K., Zhang, M & Williams, J.D. (2017). "Ethics and Policy Issues for Internet Advertising: Targeting Multicultural Consumers in the Digital Marketing Era." Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 18(4).

  27. Johnson, G.D. (2013). "‘Does Race Really Matter?’ Consumer Identity and Advertising Effectiveness in Post-Apartheid South Africa." South African Journal of Business Management, 44(2), 11-17.

  28. Johnson, G.D, & Grier S.A. (2012). "What About the Intended Consequences? Examining the Effects of Race-Stereotyped Portrayals on Advertising Effectiveness." Journal of Advertising, 41(3), 91-106.

  29. Kwate, N.O. A., & Lee, T. H. (2007). “Ghettoizing Outdoor Advertising: Disadvantage and Ad Panel Density in Black Neighborhoods.” Journal of Urban Health, 84(1), 21-31.

  30. Meyers, Y.J. (2011). "Skin Tone as the Signifier of Race: The Effect of Consumer Ethnic Identity on Targeted Marketing." Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 15, 77.

  31. Michel, N. (2015). “Sheepology: The Postcolonial Politics of Raceless Racism in Switzerland.” Postcolonial Studies, 18(4), 410-426.

  32. Motley, C.M., Henderson G.R., & Baker, S.M. (2003). "Exploring Collective Memories Associated with African-American Advertising Memorabilia--The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly," Journal of Advertising, 32 (1), 47-57.

  33. Shabbir, H. A., Hyman, M. R., Reast, J., & Palihawadana, D. (2014). “Deconstructing Subtle Racist Imagery in Television Ads." Journal of Business Ethics, 123(3), 421-436.

  34. Shankar, S. (2012). “Creating Model Consumers: Producing Ethnicity, Race, and Class in Asian American Advertising.” American Ethnologist, 39(3), 578-591.

  35. Shankar, S. (2015). Advertising Diversity: Ad Agencies and The Creation of Asian American Consumers. Duke University Press.

  36. Shankar, S. (2020). “Nothing Sells like Whiteness: Race, Ontology, and American Advertising.” American Anthropologist, 122(1), 112-119.

  37. Sobande, F. (2019). "Woke-washing: “Intersectional” Femvertising and Branding “Woke” Bravery," European Journal of Marketing. In press.

  38. Taylor, C.R., Landreth S., & Bang, H.K. (2005). "Asian Americans in Magazine Advertising: Portrayals of the ‘Model Minority’." Journal of Macromarketing, 25(2): 163-174.

  39. Thomas, K.D. (2013). "Deconstructing Hegemonic Masculinity: Understanding Representations of Black and White Manhood in Print Advertising." Advertising & Society Review 14 (2).

  40. Thomas, K.D. (2017). "Privilege: The Neglected Obstacle in Attaining Equity in the Ad Industry." Journal of Advertising Education, 21(2), 10-14.

  41. Vaid, J. (2009). “Fair enough? Color and Commodification of Self in Indian Matrimonials”. In E.Nakano Glenn (Ed.), Shades of Difference: Why Skin Color Matters. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.                                                 

  42. Whittler, T. E., & Spira, J. S. (2002). “Model's Race: A Peripheral Cue in Advertising Messages?" Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12(4), 291-301.

  43. Williams, J.D., Qualls W.J., & Grier S. A. (1995). "Racially Exclusive Real Estate Advertising: Public Policy Implications for Fair Housing Practices," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 14(2), 225-44.

Arts & (Digital) Entertainment

  1. Banks, P.A. (2010). Represent: Art and Identity Among the Black Upper-Middle Class. New York: Routledge.

  2. Banks, P. (2010). "Black Cultural Advancement: Racial Identity and Participation in the Arts Among the Black Middle-Class." Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33(2), 272-289.  

  3. Banks, P.A. (2010). “Conceptions of Art Ownership as A Form of Wealth Accumulation among the Black Middleclass.” Qualitative Sociology, 33(3): 333-348.

  4. Banks, P.A (2019). "Cultural Justice and Collecting: Challenging the Underrecognition of African American Artists." In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  5. Behm-Morawitz, E. (2017). "Examining the Intersection of Race and Gender in Video Game Advertising." Journal of Marketing Communications, 23(3), 220.

  6. Fortunato, J.A., & Williams J.D. (2010). "Major League Baseball and African American Participation: Is Free Television Part of the Solution?" Journal of Sports Media, 5(1), 79-83.

  7. Fortunato, J.A., & Williams J.D. (2014). "Using Marketing Theory to Increase African-American Participation with Major League Baseball," Out of Bounds: Racism and the Black Athlete, 55.

  8. González, J.A. 2011. Subject to Display: Reframing Race in Contemporary Installation Art. Cambridge, Mass: MIT University Press.

  9. Harrison, A. K. (2008). "Racial Authenticity in Rap Music and Hip Hop." Sociology Compass, 2(6), 1783-1800.

  10. Harrison, A. K. (2009). Hip hop underground: The integrity and ethics of racial identification. Temple University Press.

  11. Harrison, A. K. (2012). "Post-Colonial Consciousness, Knowledge Production, and Identity Inscription within Filipino-American Hip-Hop Music." Perfect Beat, 13(1), 29-48.

  12. Harrison, A.K. (2016). "Black College-Radio on Predominantly White Campuses: A ‘Hip-Hop Era’ Student-Authored Inclusion Initiative." Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies, 9(8), 135-154.

  13. Henderson, G.R., & Williams J.D. (2016). "Exclusion from Entertainment and Leisure Venues: Can’t we Play, Too?." in Thriving in a New World Economy: Springer.

  14. Jamerson, W.T. (2017). "Digital Orientalism: TripAdvisor and Online Travelers’ Tales." In Digital Sociologies, edited by J. Daniels, K. Gregory, & T. McMillan Cottom, 119–135. Chicago: Policy Press

  15. Lindridge, A., Henderson G.R., & Ekpo, A.E. (2015). "(Virtual) Ethnicity, the Internet, and Well-Being." Marketing Theory, 15(2), 279-85.

  16. Moore, C. D. (2019). "Ray Charles in Paris: Race, Protest, and the Soundscape of the Algerian War." American Quarterly, 71(2), 449-472.

  17. Nakamura, L. and Chow-White, P. (eds.) (2012).  Race after the Internet.  New York and London: Routledge. 

  18. Ramsey, G.P. (2009). Race music: Black cultures from bebop to hip-hop. Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press

  19. Thomas, K.D. (2019). “Black Masculinities and the Media: An Interview with Filmmaker and Activist Byron Hurt,” Advertising and Society Quarterly, 20 (3).

  20. Sobande, F. (2017), "Watching me watching you: Black women in Britain on YouTube," European Journal of Cultural Studies, 20(6), 655-71.

  21. Sobande, F. (2018). "Intersectional Digital Dynamics and Profiled Black Celebrities," in Surveillance, Race, Culture: Springer.

  22. Sobande, F. (2018). "Praising, Erasing, Eeplacing and Race-ing Girls: Intersectional Online Critiques and the Ascent of Insecure," in HBO’s Original Voices: Routledge.

  23. Sobande, F. (2019). "Awkward Black Girls and Post-Feminist Possibilities: Representing Millennial Black Women on Television in Chewing Gum and Insecure." Critical Studies in Television, 14(4), 435-50.

  24. Sobande, F. (2019). "Constructing and Critiquing Interracial Couples on YouTube," in G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  25. Sobande, F. (2019). "Dissecting Depictions of Black Masculinity in Get Out'," in Gender and Contemporary Horror in Film. Emerald Publishing Limited, 237-50.

  26. Sobande, F. (2019). "How to Get Away with Authenticity: Viola Davis and the Intersections of Blackness, Naturalness, Femininity and Relatability," Celebrity Studies, 10(3), 396-410.

  27. Sobande, F. (2020). The Digital Lives of Black Women in Britain. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  28. Sobande, F., Fearfull, A, & Brownlie D. (2019). "Resisting Media Marginalisation: Black Women’s Digital Content and Collectivity." Consumption Markets & Culture, 1-16.

Consumption & Identity

  1. Brown, N. M. (2015). African Americans and consumption.” In D. T. Cook, & J. M. Ryan (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies (pp. 10-12). Malden, MA; Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  2. Chin, E. (2001). Purchasing Power: Black Kids and American Consumer Culture. Minneapolis MN: University of Minnesota Press.

  3. Crockett, D. (2017). “Paths to Respectability: Consumption and Stigma Management in the Contemporary Black Middle Class.” Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (3): 1-28.

  4. Crockett, D., & Wallendorf M. (2004). "The Role of Normative Political Ideology in Consumer Behavior," Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (3), 511-28.

  5. Dávila, A. (2004). Barrio Dreams: Puerto Ricans, Latinos, and the Neoliberal City. Univ of California Press.

  6. Dávila, A. (2012). Latinos, Inc.: The Marketing and Making of a People. Univ of California Press.

  7. Dávila, A. (2016). El mall: The Spatial and Class Politics of Shopping Malls in Latin America. Univ of California Press.

  8. DeBerry-Spence, B. & Izberk-Bilgin, E. (2019). "Historicizing and Authenticating African Dress: Diaspora Double Consciousness and Narratives of Heritage and Community." Consumption Markets & Culture, DOI: 10.1080/10253866.2019.1661245.

  9. Deshpande, R., & Chaturvedi, S. (2016). "Fair & Lovely vs. Dark is Beautiful." Harvard Business School Case 516-079, March.

  10. Emejulu, A., & Sobande F. (2019). To Exist is to Resist: Black Feminism in Europe. Pluto Press.

  11. Flower, I., & Rosa-Salas, M. (2017). "Say my Name: Nameplate Jewelry and the Politics of Taste." QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 4(3), 109-126.

  12. Gaytán, M. S. (2008). “From Sombreros to Sincronizadas: Authenticity, Ethnicity, and the Mexican Restaurant Industry." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 37(3), 314-341.

  13. Gaytán, M. S. (2014). ¡ Tequila!: Distilling the Spirit of Mexico. Stanford University Press.

  14. Gaytán, M. S. (2014). "Drinking Difference: Race, Consumption, and Alcohol Prohibition in Mexico and the United States." Ethnicities, 14(3), 436-457.

  15. Gaytán, M. S. (2017). "The Transformation of Tequila: From Hangover to Highbrow." Journal of Consumer Culture, 17(1), 62-84.

  16. Glenn, E. N. (2008). "Yearning for Lightness: Transnational Circuits in the Marketing and Consumption of Skin Lighteners." Gender and Society, 22(3): 281-302.

  17. Greer, B. W. (2019). Represented: The Black Imagemakers Who Reimagined African American Citizenship. University of Pennsylvania Press.

  18. Grier, S.A., Brumbaugh A.M., & Thornton C.G. (2006). "Crossover Dreams: Consumer Responses to Ethnic-Oriented Products," Journal of Marketing, 70(2), 35-51.

  19. Grier, S.A., & Perry V.G. (2018). "Dog Parks and Coffee Shops: Faux Diversity and Consumption in Gentrifying Neighborhoods." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 37(1), 23-38.

  20. Harrison, A.K. (2013). "Black Siing, Everyday Racism, and the Racial Spatiality of Whiteness." Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 37(4), 315-39.

  21. Harrison III, R.L., Thomas K.D., & Cross, S.N.N. (2015). "Negotiating Cultural Ambiguity: The Role of Markets and Consumption in Multiracial Identity Development." Consumption Markets & Culture, 18(4), 301-32.

  22. Henderson, G.R., Williams J.D., Grantham K.D., & Lwin M. (1999). "The Commodification of Race in Singapore: The Customer Service Implications of the Other-Race Effect on Tourism and Retailing," Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 16(2), 213-27.

  23. Hu, J., Whittler T.E., & Tian, K. (2013). "Resisting Immigrant Myths: Everyday Consumer Practices of Asian Immigrants in America.” Consumption Markets & Culture, 16(2): 169–195.

  24. Johnson, G.D., Thomas K.D., & Grier, S.A. (2017). "When the Burger Becomes Halal: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Privilege and Marketplace Inclusion." Consumption Markets & Culture, 20(6), 497-522.

  25. Jones, N. (2019). "(Re) Visiting the Corner Store: Black Youth, Gentrification, and Food Sovereignty." In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 55-72.

  26. Knight, M. (2012). “For us by us (FUBU): The Politicized Space of Black Women's Entrepreneurship in Canada.” Southern Journal of Canadian Studies, 5(1).

  27. Knight, M. (2013). "‘New Markets Must be Conquered’: Race, Gender, and the Embodiment of Entrepreneurship within Texts.” The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 57(3), 345-353.

  28. Knight, M. (2016). “Race‐ing, Classing and Gendering Racialized Women's Participation in Entrepreneurship.” Gender, Work & Organization, 23(3), 310-327.

  29. Krige, D. (2010). “Inequality, Identity & Social Differentiation through the Drinking Glass: Men & Beer Drinking in Contemporary Soweto." In van Wolputte S. & Fumanti M. (eds) Spaces, Selves and States: Beer as a Local & Transnational Commodity in Africa. Berlin: LIT Verlag.

  30. Lacy, K. (2007). Blue-Chip Black Race, Class, and Status in the New Black Middle Class. Berkeley: University of California Press.

  31. Lamont, M., & Molnár V. (2001). "How Blacks Use Consumption to Shape Their Collective Identity Evidence from Marketing Specialists.” Journal of Consumer Culture, 1(1), 31–45.

  32. Lugo-Lugo, C. R. (2012). “Ricky Martin ain’t no Dixie Chick”: or, How we Can learn a Few Things about Citizenship and Invisibility from Popular Culture. Centro Journal, 24(1), 68.

  33. Lynn, M., Pugh C.C., & Williams J.D. (2012). "Black–White Differences in Tipping: The Moderating Effects of Socioeconomic Status." Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 53(4), 286-94.

  34. Mitchell, T. A. (2020). “Critical Race Theory (CRT) and colourism: a manifestation of whitewashing in marketing communications?.” Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  35. Ndichu, E.G., & Upadhyaya, S. (2019). "‘Going Natural’: Black Women’s Identity Project Shifts in Hair Care Practices." Consumption Markets & Culture, 22(1), 44-67.

  36. Ouellet, J.F. (2007). "Consumer Racism and its Effects on Domestic Cross-Ethnic Product Purchase: An Empirical Test in the United States, Canada, and France," Journal of Marketing, 71(1), 113-28.

  37. Peñaloza, L.(1994). "Atravesando Fronteras/Border Crossings: A Critical Ethnographic Exploration of the Consumer Acculturation of Mexican Immigrants." Journal of Consumer Research, 21(1), 32-54.

  38. Peñaloza, L., & Barnhart, M. (2011). "Living US Capitalism: The Normalization of Credit/Debt." Journal of Consumer Research, 38(4), 743-762.

  39. Poole, S.M., Williams S.L, Banks C.J., Stallings J.A., Balgobin K.R., & Moore, D.P. (2018). "Racial Color-Blindness and Privilege Awareness in Relation to Interest in Social Justice Among College Students." JCSCORE, 4(2), 38-63.

  40. Rocha, A. R. C., Campos, R. D., Casotti, L. M., & Nascimento, T. C. D. (2020). “Producing beauty ‘the hard way’: involuntary prosumption in a stigmatising context,” Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  41. Rosa-Salas, M. (2019). "Making the Mass White: How Racial Segregation Shaped Consumer Segmentation." In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 21-38.

  42. Rosa-Salas, M., & Flower, I. (2020). “‘Worth more than just its weight in gold’: Nameplate jewellery and the practice of oppositional respectability”. Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  43. Sobande, Francesca (2018). "Managing Media as Parental Race-Work: (Re)-mediating Children’s Black Identities." Consumer Culture Theory, 19, 37-53.

  44. Roth, L. (2009). "Looking for Shirley, the Ultimate Norm." Canadian Journal of Communication, 34(1), 111-136.

  45. Summers, B.T. (2015). "H Street, Main Street, and The Neoliberal Aesthetics of Cool.” In Capital Dilemma: Growth and Inequality in Washington, DC, edited by Derek Hyra and Sabiyha Prince (Routledge, 2015).

  46. Summers, B.T. (2016) “Haute (Ghetto) Mess”: Post-racial Aesthetics and the Seduction of Blackness in High Fashion.” In Race Post-Race, edited by H. Gray, S. Banet-Weiser, and R. Mukherjee. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

  47. Summers, B.T. (2017), "Race as Aesthetic: The Politics of Vision, Visibility, and Visuality in Vogue Italia's" A Black Issue"," QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 4(3), 81-108.

  48. Summers, B.T. (2019). Black in Place: The Spatial Aesthetics of Race in a Post-Chocolate City. UNC Press Books.

  49. Summers, B. T., & Howell, K. (2019). "Fear and Loathing (of others): Race, Class and Contestation of Space in Washington, DC." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 43(6), 1085-1105.

  50. Takhar, J. (2020). “Shopkeeping.” Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  51. Thomas, K.D. (2013). "Endlessly Creating Myself: Examining Marketplace Inclusion through the Lived Experience of Black and White Male Millennials." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32 (1_suppl), 95-105.

  52. Thomas, K.D., Cross S.N.N., & Harrison R.L. (2018). “Race and Ethnicity”, In Arnould, E.J. & Thompson, C.J. (Eds.) Consumer Culture Theory, London: SAGE Publishing.

  53. Ray, V.E, Randolph A., Underhill M., & Luke D. (2017), "Critical Race Theory, Afro-pessimism, and Racial Progress narratives." Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 3(2), 147-58.

  54. Vega-Centeno, J. (2019). "‘Dirty Braids’: How Hair Is Disrupting Dominant Racial Narratives in Puerto Rico Post-Hurricane Maria," In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  55. Vijaya, R. M. (2019). “The New Economics of Colorism in the Skin Whitening Industry: Case of India and Nigeria". In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 227-244.

  56. Wei, M. L., & Bunjun, B. (2020). “We are not the shoes of white supremacists’: a critical race perspective of consumer responses to brand attempts at countering racist associations”. Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  57. Wooten, D.B (1995). "One-of-a-kind in a Full House: Some Consequences of Ethnic and Gender Distinctiveness." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 4(3) (1995), 205-224.

  58. Wooten, D. & Rank-Christman, T. (2019). "Stigmatized-Identity Cues: Threats as Opportunities for Consumer Psychology." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29(1), 142-51.

  59. Yip, J., Ainsworth S., & Hugh, M.T. (2019), "Beyond Whiteness: Perspectives on the Rise of the Pan-Asian Beauty Ideal," In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Services, Retail & Marketplace Discrimination

  1. Ainscough, T.L, & MotleyC.M. (2000). "Will You Help Me Please? The Effects of Race, Gender and Manner of Dress on Retail Service." Marketing Letters, 11(2), 129-36.

  2. Alkayyali, R (2019). "Shopping While Veiled: An Exploration of the Experiences of Veiled Muslim Consumers in France," In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  3. Ayres, I., Banaji, M., & Jolls, C. (2015). "Race Effects on eBay." The RAND Journal of Economics, 46(4), 891-917.

  4. Bennett, A.M, Hill, R.P., & Daddario, K. (2015). "Shopping While Nonwhite: Racial Discrimination Among Minority Consumers." Journal of Consumer Affairs, 49(2), 328-55.

  5. Bay, M. & Fabian, A. (2015). Race and Retail: Consumption Across the Color Line. Rutgers University Press.

  6. Bennett, A.M., Hill, R.P., & Oleksiuk, D. (2013). "The Impact of Disparate Levels of Marketplace Inclusion on Consumer-Brand Relationships." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32(special issue), 16-31.

  7. Bone, S.A., Christensen G.L., & Williams, J.D. (2014). "Rejected, Shackled, and Alone: The Impact of Systemic Restricted Choice on Minority Consumers' Construction of Self." Journal of Consumer Research, 41(2), 451-74.

  8. Bone, S.A., Christensen, G.L., Williams, J.D., Adams, S., Lederer, A., & Lubin, P.C. (2019). "Shaping Small Business Lending Policy Through Matched-Pair Mystery Shopping," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 38(3), 391-99.

  9. Brumbaugh, A.M., & Rosa, J.A. (2009). "Perceived Discrimination, Cashier Metaperceptions, Embarrassment, and Confidence as Influencers of Coupon Use: An Ethnoracial–Socioeconomic Analysis." Journal of Retailing, 85(3), 347-362.

  10. Crockett, D., Grier S.A., & Williams, J.A. (2003). “Coping with Marketplace Discrimination: An Exploration of the Experiences of Black Men.” Academy of Marketing Science Review 4, 1–21.

  11. Dabney, D., Dugan, L., Topalli, V., & Hollinger, R. (2006). “The Impact of Implicit Stereotyping on Offender Profiling Unexpected Results From an Observational Study of Shoplifting.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, 33(5):646–674.

  12. Doytcheva, M. (2020). “Governing racial justice through standards and the birth of ‘White diversity’: a Foucauldian perspective.” Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  13. Evett, S.R., Hakstian, A.M.G., Williams, J.D. & Henderson, J.R. (2013), "What's Race Got to Do with It? Responses to Consumer Discrimination." Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 13(1), 165-85.

  14. Ferguson, N. S., Sanders Jones, J. L., Meyers Ferguson, Y. J., & Chenevert, A. M. (2020). “I need the hook-up: the impact of shared race and ethnic identity on the expectations of service quality.” Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  15. Friedline, T., & Chen, Z. (Forthcoming). "Digital Redlining and the Fintech Marketplace: Evidence from US Zip Codes," Journal of Consumer Affairs.

  16. Ekpo, A.E., DeBerry-Spence, B., Henderson, G.R., & Cherian, J. (2018). "Narratives of Technology Consumption in the Face of Marketplace Discrimination." Marketing Letters, 29(4), 451-63.

  17. Ekpo, A.E, Riley, B.K., Thomas, K.D., Yvaire, Z., Henderson, G.R., & Muñoz, I.I. (2015). "As Worlds Collide: The Role of Marketing Management in Customer-to-Customer Interactions." Journal of Business Research, 68(1), 119-26.

  18. Gabbidon, S. L., & Higgins, G. E. (2020). Shopping while Black: Consumer Racial Profiling in America. Routledge.

  19. Grier, S. A., & Poole, S. M. (2020). “Reproducing inequity: the role of race in the business school faculty search,” Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  20. Harris, A.M.G., Henderson G.R., & Williams J.D. (2005). "Courting Customers: Assessing Consumer Racial Profiling and Other Marketplace Discrimination." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 24(1), 163-71.

  21. Johnson, G.D., & Grier S.A. (2013). "Understanding the Influence of Cross-Cultural Consumer-to-Consumer Interaction on Consumer Service Satisfaction." Journal of Business Research, 66(3), 306-13.

  22. Johnson, G.D., Meyers, Y.J., & Williams, J.D. (2013). "Immigrants versus Nationals: When an Intercultural Service Encounter Failure turns to Verbal Confrontation." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32 (1_suppl), 38-47.

  23. Kamaloni, S. (2019). "What Do You Have There? Carrying Race in My Shopping Basket." In Understanding Racism in a Post-Racial World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 161-191.

  24. Pager, D., & Shepherd, H. (2008). "The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination in Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets.” Annual Review of Sociology, 34, 181-209.

  25. Perry, V.G. (2019). "A Loan at last? Race and Racism in Mortgage Lending," In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  26. Perry, V.G. and Motley, C.M. (2013). "You Live where? An Investigation of Public Housing Stereotypes." Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 32, 48-58.

  27. Pittman, C. (2020). "Shopping while Black”: Black Consumers’ Management of Racial Stigma and Racial Profiling in Retail Settings." Journal of Consumer Culture, 20(1), 3-22.

  28. Harris, A.P. (2000). "Equality Trouble: Sameness and Difference in Twentieth-Century Race Law." California Law Review, 1923-2015.

  29. Henderson, G.R., Hakstian, A.M., & Williams, J.D. (2017). Consumer Equality: Race and the American Marketplace, Racism in American Institutions. Santa Barbara, CA: Preager.

  30. Henderson, G.R., Rank-Christman, T., White, T.B., Grantham, K.D., Ostrom, A.L. & Lynch, J.G. (2018). "Intercultural Competence and Customer Facial Recognition." Journal of Services Marketing, 32(5), 570–580.

  31. Henderson, G.R., & Williams, J.D. (2013). "From Exclusion to Inclusion: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Marketplace Diversity and Inclusion." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32 (1_suppl), 1-5.

  32. Henderson, G.R., & Zhang, K. (2019), "Race and Consumer Inequality," In The Oxford Handbook of Consumption, 397.

  33. Kwate, N.O.A., Loh, J.M, White, K, & Saldana, N (2013), "Retail Redlining in New York City: Racialized Access to Day-to-Day Retail Resources." Journal of Urban Health, 90(4), 632-52.

  34. Motley, C.M., & Perry,V.G. (2013). “Living on the Other Side of the Tracks: An Investigation of Public Housing Stereotypes.” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32(Special Issue), 48–58.

  35. Rhue, L. (2019). "Crowd-based Markets: Technical Progress, Civil and Social Regression," in G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  36. Rhue, L. and Clark, J. (2018). The Consequences of Authenticity: Quantifying Racial Signals and their Effects on Crowdfunding Success. SSRN Working Paper.

  37. Rugh, J.S., Albright, L., & Massey, D.S. (2015). "Race, Space, and Cumulative Disadvantage: A Case Study of the Subprime Lending Collapse." Social Problems, 62(2), 186-218.

  38. Schreer, G., Smith, S., & Thomas, K. (2009). "“Shopping While Black”: Examining Racial Discrimination in a Retail Setting". Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(6), 1432-1444.

  39. Sierra, J.J., Heiser, R.S., Williams, J.D., & Taute, H.A. (2010). "Consumer Racial Profiling in Retail Environments: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact on Brand Image," Journal of Brand Management, 18(1), 79-96.

  40. Taylor, K. Y. (2019). Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership. UNC Press Books.

  41. Wherry, F. F. (2020). "SSHA Presidential Address: The Pathways to Disadvantage." Social Science History, 44(1), 1-18.

  42. Wherry, F. F., Seefeldt, K. S., & Alvarez, A. S. (2019). Credit Where it's Due: Rethinking Financial Citizenship. Russell Sage Foundation.

  43.  Watson, S., Appiah, O., & Thorton, C. (2011). "The Effect of Name on Preinterview Impressions and Occupational Stereotypes: The Case of Black Sales Job Applicants." Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(10), 2405-2420. 

  44. Williams, J.D. & Henderson, G.R. (2012). "Discrimination and Injustice in the Marketplace: They Come in All Sizes, Shapes, and Colors," in Transformative Consumer Research for Personal and Collective Well-Being. Routledge.

Public Health

  1. Adeigbe, R.T., Baldwin, S., Gallion, K., Grier, S.A., & Ramirez, A.G. (2014). "Food and Beverage Marketing to Latinos: A Systematic Literature Review," Health Education & Behavior.

  2. Balsa, A.I., & McGuire, T.G. (2003), "Prejudice, Clinical Uncertainty and Stereotyping as Sources of Health Disparities," Journal of Health Economics, 89‑116.

  3. Bradford T., & Grier, S.A. (2019), "Restricted Pleasure for Healthy Eating and Food Well-Being." Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 22(4), 557-69.

  4. Crockett, D., & Grier, S.A. (2020), "Race in the Marketplace and COVID-19," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.

  5. Davis, B., & Grier, S.A. (2015), "A Tale of Two Urbanicities: Adolescent Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption in High and Low-Poverty Urban Neighborhoods." Journal of Business Research.

  6. DiSantis, K.I., Grier, S.A., Oakes, J.M., & Kumanyika, S.K. (2014), "Food Prices and Food Shopping Decisions of Black Women," Appetite, 77, 106-14.

  7. DiSantis, K.I., Grier S.A., Odoms-Young A., Baskin, ML.., Carter-Edwards, L., Young, D.R., Lassiter, V. & Kumanyika, S.K. (2013). "What "Price" Means When Buying Food: Insights From A Multi-Site Qualitative Study With Black Americans." American Journal of Public Health, 103(3), 516-22.

  8. DiSantis, K., Kumanyika, S., Carter-Edwards, L., Rohm Young, D., Grier, S. A., & Lassiter, V. (2017). "Sensitizing Black Adult and Youth Consumers to Targeted Food Marketing Tactics in Their Environments." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(11), 1316.

  9. Gilmore, J.S., & Jordan, A. (2012). "Burgers and Basketball: Race and Stereotypes in Food and Beverage Advertising Aimed at Children in the US," Journal of Children and Media, 6(3), 317-32.

  10. Grier, S.A. (2012). "The Role of Marketing in Disparities," in Measuring Progress in Obesity Prevention - Workshop Report. Washington, D.C.: Committee on Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention; Institute of Medicine.

  11. Grier, S.A., & Davis, B. (2013). "Are All Proximity Effects Created Equal? Fast Food near Schools and Body Weight among Diverse Adolescents." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32(1), 116-28.

  12. Grier, S.A., & Johnson, G.D. (2011), "Alisha in Obesity-land: Is Food Marketing the Mad Hatter?" International Journal of Case Studies in Management, 9(4), 1-26.

  13. Grier, S.A., & Kumanyika, S.K. (2008). "The Context for Choice: Health Implications of Targeted Food and Beverage Marketing to African Americans." American Journal of Public Health, 98(9), 1616-29.

  14. Grier, S.A., & Kumanyika, S. (2010). "Targeted Marketing and Public Health." Annual Review Public Health, 31, 349-69.

  15. Grier, S.A. and Schaller, T.K. (2019), "Operating in a Constricted Space: Policy Actor Perceptions of Targeting to Address U.S. Health Disparities," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 39 (1), 31-47.

  16. Harris, J., Frazier III, W., Fleming-Milici, F., Hubert, P., Rodriquez-Arauz, G., Grier, S., & Appiah, O. (2019). "A Qualitative Assessment of US Black and Latino Adolescents’ Attitudes about Targeted Marketing of Unhealthy Food and Beverages." Journal of Children and Media, 13(3), 1-22.

  17. Hartman, C. W., Squires, G., & Squires, G. D. (Eds.). (2006). There is no Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Hurricane Katrina. Taylor & Francis.

  18. Huang, S.H., Parks, E.P., Kumanyika, S.K., Grier, S.A., Shults, J., Stallings, V.A., & Stettler, N. (2012). "Child-Feeding Practices Among Chinese-American and Non-Hispanic White Caregivers" Appetite, 58(3), 922-7.

  19. Jones, A., Squires, G. D., & Ronzio, C. (2015). "Foreclosure is not an Equal Opportunity Stressor: How Inequality Fuels the Adverse Health Implications of the Nation’s Financial Crisis." Journal of Urban Affairs, 37(5), 505-529.

  20. Jones, N. (2019). "Dying to Eat? Black Food Geographies of Slow Violence and Resilience." ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 18(5): 1076-1099.

  21. Kemp, E., Bui, M., & Grier S.A. (2011). "Eating Their Feelings: Examining Emotional Eating in At-Risk Groups in the United States," Journal of Consumer Policy, 34(2), 211-29.

  22. Kwate, N.O.A., Jernigan, M., & Lee, T. (2007). "Prevalence, Proximity and Predictors of Alcohol Ads in Central Harlem." Alcohol & Alcoholism, 42(6), 635-640.

  23. Kwate, N.O.A. (2008). "Fried Chicken and Fresh Apples: Racial Segregation as a Fundamental Cause of Fast Food Density in Black Neighborhoods" Health & Place, 14(1), 32-44.

  24. Kwate, N.O.A., & Meyer, I.H. (2009). "Association Between Residential Exposure to Outdoor Alcohol Advertising and Problem Drinking Among African American Women in New York City." American Journal of Public Health, 99(2), 228-230.

  25. Kwate, N.O.A., & Loh, J. M. (2010). "Separate and Unequal: The Influence of Neighborhood and School Characteristics on Spatial Proximity between Fast Food and Schools." Preventive Medicine, 51(2), 153-156.

  26. Kwate, N.O.A. (2014). "‘Racism Still Exists’: A Public Health Intervention Using Racism “Countermarketing” Outdoor Advertising in a Black Neighborhood.” Journal of Urban Health, 91(5), 851-872.

  27. Kwate, N.O.A. (2017). “The Race against Time: Lived time, Time Loss, and Black Health Opportunity." Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 1-18.

  28. Osorio, A.E, Corradini, M.G., & Williams, J.D. (2013). "Remediating Food Deserts, Food Swamps, and Food Brownfields: Helping the Poor Access Nutritious, Safe, and Affordable Food." AMS review, 3(4), 217-31.

  29. Prud’homme, D. (2019). "Race as a Currency? Profitability and Racialization in French Healthcare Institutions." In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 245-258.

  30. Reese, A.M. (2018). "‘We will not perish; we’re going to keep flourishing’: Race, Food Access, and Geographies of Self‐Reliance." Antipode, 50(2), 407-24.

  31. Reese, A. M. (2019). Black Food Geographies: Race, Self-Reliance, and Food Access in Washington, DC. UNC Press Books.

  32. Sargent, C., & Larchanché, S. (2007), "The Muslim Body and the Politics of Immigration in France: Popular and Biomedical Representations of Malian Migrant Women," Body & Society, 13(3), 79‑102.

  33. Williams, J.D., Crockett, D.,Harrison, R.L., &Thomas, K.D. (2012). "The Role of Food Culture and Marketing Activity in Health Disparities," Preventive Medicine, 55(5), 382-86.

 Reviews, Essays and Conceptualizations

  1. Bonsu, S. K. (2019). "Development by Markets: An Essay on the Continuities of Colonial Development and Racism in Africa. In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 259-271.

  2. Burton, D. (2000). "Ethnicity, Identity and Marketing: A Critical Review." Journal of Marketing Management, 16(8), 853-77.

  3. Burton, D. (2005). "New Course Development in Multicultural Marketing." Journal of Marketing Education, 27(2), 151-62.

  4. Burton, D. (2009). "‘Reading’ Whiteness in Consumer Research." Consumption, Markets and Culture, 12(2), 171-201.

  5. Burton, D. (2009), "Non‐white readings of whiteness." Consumption, Markets and Culture, 12(4), 349-372.

  6. Cotter, E.W, & Jones, N.(2018). "A Review Of Latino/Latinx Participants In Mindfulness-Based Intervention Research." In Annals Of Behavioral Medicine, 52: Oxford Univ Press Inc Journals Dept.

  7.  Davis, J.F. (2017), "Selling Whiteness? – A critical Review of the Literature on Marketing and Racism," Journal of Marketing Management, 1-44.

  8. Floyd, M. F., Bocarro, J. N., & Thompson, T. D. (2008). "Research on Race and Ethnicity in Leisure Studies: A Review of Five Major Journals." Journal of Leisure Research, 40(1), 1-22.

  9. Grier, S.A. (2019). "Marketing Inclusion: A Social Justice Project for Diversity Education." Journal of Marketing Education.

  10. Grier, S.A (2018). "What Steps Can you Take to Create an Inclusive Marketplace?’" In Mapping Out Marketing: Navigation Lessons from the Ivory Trenches, 27.

  11. Grier, S.A., Thomas, K.D., & Johnson, G.D. (2019). "Re-Imagining the Marketplace: Addressing Race in Academic Marketing Research." Consumption Markets & Culture, 22(1), 91-100.

  12. hill, L. R., & Sobande, F. (2020). “(Re) viewing race, the marketplace, and public space through the lens of photography.” Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  13. Jamerson, W.T. (2019). "Race, Markets, and Digital Technologies: Historical and Conceptual Frameworks," In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  14. Pittman, C. (2019). "Are Black Consumers a Bellwether for the Nation? How Research on Blacks can Foreground our Understanding of Race in the Marketplace," In G.D. Johnson, K.D. Thomas, A.K. Harrison, and S.A. Grier (Eds.), Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  15. Poole, S. M., Grier, S. A., Thomas, K. D., Sobande, F., Ekpo, A. E., Torres, L. T., Addington, L. A., Weekes-Laidlow, M., & Henderson, G. R. (2020). “Operationalizing Critical Race Theory in the Marketplace.” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.

  16. Ray, V. (2019). "A Theory of Racialized Organizations." American Sociological Review, 84(1), 26-53.

  17. Shabbir, H., Hyman, M. R., Dean, D., & Dahl, S. (2019). “‘Freedom Through Marketing’ Is Not Doublespeak.” Journal of Business Ethics, 164, 1-15.

  18. Sobande, F., Schoonejans, A., Johnson, G. D., Thomas, K. D., & Harrison, A. K. (2020). “Enacting Anti-Racist Visualities through Photo-Dialogues on Race in Paris.” Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.

  19. Stodolska, M.(2018). "Research on Race, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Leisure: Have We Missed the Boat?" Leisure Sciences, 40(1-2), 43-53.

  20. Thomas, K. D., Davis, J. F., Wilson, J. A., & Sobande, F. (2020). “Repetition or reckoning: confronting racism and racial dynamics in 2020,” Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.

  21. Thomas, K.D, & Jones, N. (2019). "Critical Reflexivity: Teaching about Race and Racism in the Advertising Classroom." Advertising & Society Quarterly, 20(2).

  22. Williams, J.D (1995). "Race and Ethnicity in Research Methods," Journal of Marketing Research, 32(2), 239.

  23. Wilson, J. A. (2020). “Understanding branding is demanding…,” Journal of Marketing Management, RIM Special Issue.