Geraldine (Gerri) Henderson.jpg

The Geraldine Rosa Henderson Excellence in Research on Race and Inclusion (G.E.R.R.I.)
Awards & Virtual Symposium

June 27, 2023

“Did you publish a RIM-related paper with a mentor (mentee)?”

“Are you a doctoral student or pre-tenure/non-tenure faculty?”

You already fit the criteria, APPLY TODAY!


Scholar-Mentor Equitable Research Award and
 Junior Scholar Equitable Research Award

Submission Deadline: April 2, 2023

The Call for Applications (in pdf) is
available here

The Geraldine (Gerri) Rosa Henderson Excellence in Research on Race and Inclusion (G.E.R.R.I.) Symposium (hereafter the G.E.R.R.I. Symposium) honors the significant, intentional scholarship and inspiring mentorship of Geraldine (Gerri) Rosa Henderson, a founding advisory board member for the Race in the Marketplace (RIM) Network. The virtual conference will include lectures from the winners of the GERRI Scholar–Mentor Award and a GERRI Junior Scholar Award. Each award aims to celebrate scholars whose research focuses on race, equity, diversity and inclusion in the marketplace, which was Dr. Henderson’s passion.

  • The G.E.R.R.I. Scholar-Mentor Award recognizes collaborative research jointly published by mentors and their mentees   

  • The G.E.R.R.I. Junior Scholar Award supports research published by doctoral students and pre-tenure/non-tenure faculty   

Awardees each year will be honored with an achievement plaque and will provide keynote Lectures at the conference during which they will detail their research (and mentoring process, in the case of the G.E.R.R.I. Scholar-Mentor Award).  In honor of Dr. Henderson’s tireless and selfless efforts to support the development and progress of faculty of color, the conference will also provide programming and intentional space where scholar-mentors devoted to race, equity, diversity, and inclusion can develop, thrive, and pay it forward.

Winners of the inaugural 2021 G.E.R.R.I. Junior Scholar Award (see video here) included:

  • Dr. Noémi Michel, Teaching & Research Fellow, University of Geneva

  • Dr. John N. Robinson III, Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis


G.E.R.R.I. Scholar-Mentor Award
. To be eligible for this award, the co-author team must be engaged in research focused on race, equity, diversity and inclusion in the marketplace and the team should consist of at least one mentor and mentee.  Additionally, the team must include:

  1.  a doctoral student at a college or university;

  2. a faculty member at a college or university or an independent scholar with a doctoral degree; and

  3. a member of an underrepresented ethnoracial group in the academy (e.g. African American, Native American, Latinx/Hispanic, etc.).

The collaborative research project must have been published in a scholarly journal within the last 5 years and may also be forthcoming as long as a final version and evidence of publication acceptance is provided. 

G.E.R.R.I. Junior Scholar Award. To be eligible for this award, the lead author must be a doctoral student or pre-tenure/non-tenure faculty member who is a member of an underrepresented ethnoracial group in the academy and whose research focuses on race, equity, diversity and inclusion in the marketplace. The research project must have been published in a scholarly journal within the last 5 years and may also be forthcoming as long as a final version and evidence of publication acceptance is provided. 

 *Applications are welcome from scholars across academic disciplines and geographic locations*


Applicants should submit the online Application form (links below) which collects basic information regarding the author(s) and the research project, and asks you to provide the following:

  1. Name, Position, Current Institution (if applicable), Contact information, and Background Information

  2. Title of Paper, Journal, Date of publication

  3. Copy of the paper

  4. Brief description of the research and how it furthers Dr. Henderson’s legacy

  5. How the project originated and who led it (for G.E.R.R.I. Scholar-Mentor Award)

  6. The role that mentoring played in the development of the research (for G.E.R.R.I. Scholar-Mentor Equitable Research Award)

  7. Current CV for all authors on submission team

Please be sure to follow the word limits provided for each of the essays on the application form.  Text will not be read beyond the word limits.  Also, please note that you will need to provide a link to your CV and publication related to your submission (e.g. Google drive, Dropbox etc.).

Applications for the inaugural awards will be judged by a special selection committee for their reflection of Dr. Henderson’s legacy.  Award winners will be expected to serve on the selection committee the subsequent year of receiving the award. 

Selection criteria for the G.E.R.R.I. Scholar-Mentor Award will consider:

  1. Mentorship: The committee will review the application package in relation to the multiplicity of ways that a faculty member may support a student or junior scholar’s research development and professional career (e.g. as an advisor or guide in research; a developer of research skills and talents: an advocate in professional matters; organizer of an effective environment for research and scholarship and others).

  2. Mentorship Commitment: Evidence of a long-term commitment to mentoring

  3. Research: The role of the research in reflecting and extending Dr. Henderson’s research concerns related to race, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the marketplace.

 Selection criteria for the G.E.R.R.I. Junior Scholar Award will consider: 

  1. Research: The role of the research in reflecting and extending Dr. Henderson’s research concerns related to race, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the marketplace.

  2. RIM Research Commitment: Evidence of a commitment to research on issues related to race in the marketplace 



Applications can be submitted until midnight (US Eastern Time) on
April 2, 2023 to the appropriate link above.


For questions, please email or any of the committee members below.

  • Sonya A. Grier, American University

  • A. Kwame Harrison, Virginia Tech

  • Guillaume D. Johnson, CNRS & Université Paris-Dauphine

  • Francesca Sobande, Cardiff University

  • Kevin D. Thomas, UC Santa Cruz