Race in the Marketplace – Crossing Critical Boundaries
The call (in pdf) is also available here
Deadline: February 1, 2018
Edited by:
Guillaume D. Johnson – CNRS, Université Paris-Dauphine
Kevin D. Thomas – University of Texas at Austin
Sonya A. Grier – American University
Anthony Kwame Harrison – Virginia Tech
Project Overview:
Topics related to race and marketplaces have gained considerable momentum across disciplines and contexts worldwide. However, despite the many powerful scholarly works that investigate race and related topics (e.g. diversity, multiculturalism) within marketplaces, there is no unifying scholarly resource which the various stakeholders (e.g. academics, students, consumer advocates and marketing practitioners) can refer to, engage with, and learn from. Our edited book will remedy this issue by providing a cohesive collection of critical, cross-disciplinary, globally conscious scholarship in the emerging Race in the Marketplace (RIM) subject area.
The RIM research area broadly encompasses the investigation of how race (and its intersecting socio-political constructs – e.g. class, gender, ethnicity, religion, and sexuality) impacts and is impacted by the functioning of various markets (defined as actual or metaphorical spaces of exchange such as retail, healthcare, education, sport, finance etc.). This new research area is, in essence, trans-disciplinary and critical, as it aims to synthesize and transform insights across research disciplines to address the reality of racial oppression, power, and privilege within marketplaces.
Building on our successful inaugural RIM research forum held in Washington D.C in spring 2017, the objective of the edited volume is to continue the dialogue across domains, disciplines and geographical boundaries to contribute to an integrated understanding of race in markets. Accordingly, we invite submissions from scholars from across the globe from a wide array of disciplines (e.g. anthropology, cultural studies, economics, education, geography, history, information technology, management, marketing, sociology, political science, psychology and public health).
The book will be divided along four (non-reciprocally exclusive) broad themes. The first part will highlight the key role of spatio-temporal dynamics in understanding the co-constitutive nature between race and markets. The second part will cover racialization and its intersection with other sociopolitical processes (related to class, gender, ethnicity, religion, and sexuality) within spaces of exchange. The third part will deal with methodological concerns and controversies that emerge when investigating RIM topics. Finally, the fourth part will present the role of race in specific marketized domains including arts, healthcare, education, sport, retail, food, tourism, and finance. Examples of research in each category include, but certainly are not limited to, the following:
1. Space and Time
- The historical interplay between racial dynamics and the construction of markets;
- The racialized functioning of global gentrification, urban change and “food deserts”;
- The construction of racialized spaces, narratives, and identities into virtual /digital realms.
2. Racialization and Intersectionnality
- The racialization of religious markets and consumption practices;
- The racial complexities and socio-political implications of colorism;
- The political and cultural significance of identities that are simultaneously racialized and sexualized by market and consumption practices.
3. Voices and Modes of Understanding
- The innovative research practices (e.g. auto-ethnography, arts-based research practice) that can improve the investigation of Race and Markets;
- The role of race in the use of big data and algorithms for market purposes and how it may reinforce, perpetuate and exacerbate existing systems of racism;
- Creative research methods (e.g. mystery shopping methodologies) developed and implemented to advance and/or better enforce public policies.
4. Neoliberalism, Markets and Marketization
- The operation of race and racism within the production, distribution, and consumption of art, fashion, sport, retail, luxury or food markets;
- The direct and indirect role of racism in the marketization of domains such as healthcare; correctional services and education.
- How race and racialized identities (e.g. ethnicity) matter in the financial and housing marketplace;
- The commodification of race and racism through market, advertising and marketing activities;
Regardless of the specific RIM topic, we hope to receive two types of contributions:
- Literature reviews that survey critical points in current literature relevant to the topic.
- Conceptual, methodological, or empirical studies, qualitative studies, experiments, or surveys that contribute to understanding of the RIM research area.
We have received an official offer from a well-known international publisher but are waiting for the decision from another one before making a final decision.
Submission process:
We aim to finalize the book by December 2018 to have it published in time for the 2019 RIM Research Forum (which will take place in May/June 2019). Consequently, our submission process will be strict, allowing little room for delays! Please consider this before committing.
Potential authors are invited to submit, on or before February 1, 2018, a brief, 500-word proposal (excluding references) that clearly presents:
- The intended contributions of their chapter
- Their intended approach and/or methodology.
- How their intended chapter will critically engage with Race and Markets.
In addition, authors should provide:
- Identifying information of each author (i.e. name, email, and institutional affiliation)
- A proposed title
- The book section (see above) their intended chapter may be part of.
- A statement of commitment, indicating the author(s) intention to submit a chapter if accepted, and to also complete the necessary “revisions” (in a timely manner) if needed.
Chapters submitted must not have been published, accepted for publication, or under consideration for publication anywhere else.
Proposals should be submitted to: and
By February 15, 2018, potential authors will be notified about the status of their proposed chapter. When accepted, the authors will receive further information regarding the submission process, including the formatting guidelines.
Full chapters should be submitted on or before July 1, 2018 via e-mail in a single attached Word file to: and
Final submissions should be approximately 5,000-6,000 words in length, excluding references, figures, tables, and appendices. All chapters will be reviewed by colleagues knowledgeable in the RIM subject area.
We look forward to your chapter!
Please address any questions to:
Guillaume D. Johnson –
Kevin D. Thomas –
Sonya A. Grier –
Anthony Kwame Harrison –