Photo credit: Ferdinand 'Ferre' Feys on Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND
Call for Papers/Participation | Deadline: November 30, 2018
RIM is back! Building on our successful inaugural RIM Research Forum held in Washington D.C in spring 2017, we have decided to broaden the movement across the Atlantic and hold the second biannual RIM Research Forum in Paris (France) from June 25 to June 27, 2019.
The broad objective of this second Forum is to continue the dialogue across domains, disciplines and geographical boundaries to contribute to an integrated understanding of race in markets.
Through a multifaceted dialogical approach, the RIM Research Forum will examine how race (and its intersecting socio-political constructs – e.g. class, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability and sexuality) impacts and is impacted by the functioning of various markets (e.g. retailing, health, housing, finance, art, sport). The guiding aim of RIM is to highlight the reality of power, privilege and oppression, question existing marketplace practices and link these understandings to an overall framework that supports the development of equitable markets across societies.
Democratic dialogue will serve as the primary point of engagement during the Forum. Through an iterative process of sharing and deep listening, the goal is not merely to exchange information, but rather to set the intellectual foundations upon which future actions related to RIM issues may be guided.
The second RIM Research Forum will also offer a variety of thematic areas and presentation platforms from which participants can interact, including colloquium, poster and thematic sessions. Also, an optional Photovoice Workshop will be held on June 24-25, 2019 (see below).
Submissions can be done in two formats depending on one’s own preference: (A) Papers/Contributions and (B) Participation intents.
A. Submission of Papers/Contributions
We welcome papers and other contributions) with a broad range of underpinnings, including those rooted in theory and practice. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to the RIM network’s overall philosophy: critical approaches, cross-disciplinary relevant, and globally minded. Additionally we will give priority to submissions that fit with the forum’s specific theme, namely crossing domains, disciplines and geographical boundaries.
Potential areas of inquiry for submissions include (but are not limited to):
How are race, racism and the marketplace mutually constructed?
How is the marketplace defined and how are markets racialized?
What is the role of class, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion, and sexuality in the construction of race and racism within the marketplace?
How can cross-national, cross-discipline and/or cross-domain comparisons contribute to our understanding of the construction of “race and markets”?
How does the dynamic of race and markets shift when considering online marketplaces?
How might big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence reinforce, perpetuate and exacerbate existing systems of racism; or help solve?
How does racialization influence consumers’ marketplace experiences?
Whose racialized experiences are overlooked, in what context, and with what effects?
What is the place of resistance within RIM dynamics?
Can the marketplace be made racially equitable under a capitalist system? If so, how?
Are there alternative forms of economy that offer more effective framework(s) to work within to support equitable markets?
What practical actions can be taken by individuals, collectives, organizations, businesses, and government entities to bring about fair and equitable marketplaces?
How can innovative/alternative research practices (e.g. auto-ethnography, arts-based research practice) improve the investigation of race and markets;
We seek submissions in 4 tracks:
1. Single Papers: This track invites contributors to submit an extended abstract outlining the main ideas of a research project: objectives, theoretical background, methodology (if empirical work), main findings and contributions. The abstract must not exceed 1000 words (excluding references, appendices and other material) and include a statement of how the research contributes to RIM’s objectives.
2. Poster Sessions: This track invites submissions of completed empirical or conceptual research and works in progress that support conference objectives for visual presentation in an informal session. For consideration, please submit a 500-word abstract (excluding references). Again, a statement of how the research contributes to RIM’s objectives should be included.
3. Art-based and Embodied Contributions: This track invites potential participants to submit poetry/spoken word, visual art (e.g. paintings, drawings, photography, and mixed media), videography (approximately 10 minutes in length), music/song, and movement (e.g. dance and performance art) that support conference objectives. Submissions should include a document not to exceed 1000 words (excluding references, appendices and other material) that provide the following:
Summary of how the work provides insights into the relationship between race and markets
Summary of the creative process used to develop the work
Directions for accessing the work
Artwork Submission details:
Images should be sent along with your submission document as high-res JPG files
Audio should be sent along with your submission document as a MP3 file
Video should be uploaded to Vimeo and include a video link and password on your submission document
4. Thematic Sessions: This track invites potential participants to propose 90-minute session which should include three or four short formal presentations followed by group discussion. The proposal should promote the overall goals of the research forum (i.e., interdisciplinary, international and collectively insightful) and provide ample time for discussion (about 60 minutes).
For each track, contributors should provide:
Identifying information of each author (i.e. name, email, and institutional affiliation)
A proposed title
A statement of commitment which should indicate the contributor’s intention to attend the Forum if accepted.
Conference Special Issues
In conjunction with the 2019 RIM Research Forum, the Journal of Marketing Management and the Journal of Consumer Affairs will publish special issues dedicated to RIM research. Papers presented at the conference will have an opportunity to be included in one of these publications.
B. Submission of Participation Intents
Individuals wishing to attend the conference without submitting/presenting a paper must submit a written statement of interest. This statement should include:
Name, e-mail, field/department, and institutional/organizational affiliation information, and
Response to the questions below regarding what the applicant believes they have to offer this area of research and the subsequent research network
Statements of interest should answer the following questions (two-page maximum):
How does your research (in general and specifically [i.e. examples]) relate to RIM?
What do you hope to gain from attending this forum?
How do you expect to contribute to the forum and network?
All applications should also include a CV or resume and a statement of commitment. The statement should indicate the applicant's intention to attend the Forum if accepted.
C. Photovoice Workshop (optional)
Prior to the forum, an optional 1.5 day Photovoice Workshop will be held on June 24-25, 2019. Through this activity we will equip scholars to engage in critical conversations about racial dynamics in the Parisian marketplace and beyond. All you need is a camera. Through the workshop, small groups of participants will learn how to use to photovoice as a RIM-centered methodological approach and engage in an immediate on-site research project with the aim of producing traditional (i.e. journal article) and creative outputs.
Individuals wishing to take part in this workshop must indicate their interest when submitting their paper/contribution or participation intent. Please note that the workshop fee will not be included in the conference registration and will incur an additional fee of no more than 100€ (we will do our best to keep the fee low!).
D. Activities (optional)
Furthermore, depending on numbers and motivation we will help facilitate group RIM-related activities prior or after the forum including:
Musée d’Orsay exhibit: Black models: from Géricault to Matisse
Contact opportunities with community organizations
And in the spirit of collaboration, applicants should also feel free to share any ideas regarding the Forum that we haven’t mentioned.
Please address any questions/comments to Guillaume Johnson:
All applications should be electronically submitted to by the due date.
DEADLINE: November 30, 2018
Organizing Committee:
Guillaume D. Johnson, CNRS & Université Paris-Dauphine
Francesca Sobande, Edge Hill University
Sonya A. Grier, American University
Kevin D. Thomas, Marquette University
Anthony Kwame Harrison, Virginia Tech
Program Committee:
Judy Foster Davis, Eastern Michigan University
Sonja Martin Poole, University of San Francisco
Laurel Steinfield, Bentley University
Advisory Committee:
Naya Armendarez Jones, Medical College of Wisconsin
Samuel Bonsu, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration
Janet Borgerson, City University of London & Rochester Institute of Technology
Donnel Briley, University of Sydney
David Crockett, University of South Carolina
Gerri Henderson, Loyola University Chicago
Ronald Hill, American University
Naa Oyo A. Kwate, Rutgers University
Vanessa Perry, Georges Washington University
Jonathan Schroeder, Rochester Institute of Technology
Frederick Wherry, Princeton University
Jonathan Wilson, Hult International Business School
Jerome Williams, Rutgers University