2023 G.E.R.R.I. Awards & Symposium
The Geraldine Rosa Henderson Excellence in Research on Race and Inclusion (G.E.R.R.I.)
Virtual Symposium
Tuesday June 27, 2023
12:00-3:00 PM EST
On June 27, 2023, the Race in the Marketplace (RIM) Network will convene the second Geraldine Rosa Henderson Excellence in Research on Race and Inclusion (G.E.R.R.I.) Symposium.
The conference will feature the award winners who will present their work and its parallels to Dr. Henderson’s work and mentoring/collaboration philosophy.
Winners of the 2023 G.E.R.R.I. Scholar-Mentor Award:
Ms. Nicole Davis (University of Georgia) & Dr. Vanessa Perry (The George Washington University)
“I'm Only Human? The Role of Racial Stereotypes, Humanness, and Satisfaction in Transactions with Anthropomorphic Sales Bots” (with Nils Olsen, Marcus M. Stewart, and Tiffany B. White), Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.
Dr. Lez Trujillo Torres (University of Illinois Chicago) & Dr. Benét DeBerry-Spence (University of Illinois Chicago)
“In the Back of the Bus: Racialized High-Risk Consumption and Sickle Cell Disease,”Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.
The conference will also feature a keynote lecture by Lauren McCadney, Vice President, Marketing Delivery (CDW Corporation) on meaningful mentorship.
To register for the conference (no fees), click here.
To join the conversation on social media, follow @RIM_Network on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook and use the hashtags #GERRI2023, #GERRISymposium2023, #RaceInTheMarketplace, #RIMNetwork.
Be sure to share this exciting event with your networks.
For questions, please email contact@rimnetwork.net or any of the committee members below.
Sonya A. Grier, American University
A. Kwame Harrison, Virginia Tech
Guillaume D. Johnson, CNRS & Université Paris-Dauphine
Francesca Sobande, Cardiff University
Kevin D. Thomas, UC Santa Cruz
The Call for Applications is available here